Source: American Dream
The irony of the American Dream
James Truslow Adams stated that the American dream is "that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position." (The Epic of America, p.214-215, copyright 1931)
Unemployed and sold out
Thanks to the continual stream of corrupted political leaders elected into office over the past several decades, the so-called "American Dream" has been reduced to little more than a joke, and today you have to be asleep to believe it. Our founding fathers are probably rolling in their graves because they never intended this country to be turned into one massive shopping mall, making us global consumers; everything we buy is made in our enemies' factories while a high percentage of our citizens are unemployed!
Why do we buy all of this cheap plastic junk that says "Made in China", sold to us by Wal-Mart, and in contrast the Chinese leader Xi Jinping would like to nuke our continent into oblivion! American capitalism attempts to work things out so that everyone gets just enough stuff to keep them from getting violent and from stealing other people’s stuff. And as American voters, we seem to have no problem with letting our so-called "leaders" pass laws every single day that are designed to fuel the global economy at our expense; we're letting the "New World Order" suck our banks dry for everyone else's benefit. The very reason why we have unemployed people is because we've all been sold out to our enemies for trillions and trillions of dollars.
Why do we buy all of this cheap plastic junk that says "Made in China", sold to us by Wal-Mart, and in contrast the Chinese leader Xi Jinping would like to nuke our continent into oblivion! American capitalism attempts to work things out so that everyone gets just enough stuff to keep them from getting violent and from stealing other people’s stuff. And as American voters, we seem to have no problem with letting our so-called "leaders" pass laws every single day that are designed to fuel the global economy at our expense; we're letting the "New World Order" suck our banks dry for everyone else's benefit. The very reason why we have unemployed people is because we've all been sold out to our enemies for trillions and trillions of dollars.
Diseased by globalization
Russia and the Middle Eastern countries (also some of our enemies) started complaining in Q4 of 2014; they have been supposedly "struggling" because we're not buying so much of our oil from them anymore! We're finally using more of our own oil and making our own gasoline, our gas prices are finally dropping to affordable levels after our wallets have been sucked dry for several years by even more corrupt global leaders who have sworn to terrorize us all to our deaths! All overseas "technical support" centers should be eliminated as well, in fact, they should be illegal; aren't you tired of speaking to Indians who can't even speak American English for computer and other technical support?
Don't forget about the corporate slimeballs who go around the United States buying up factories and putting hundreds of families out of work, only to ship those factories and jobs overseas to our enemies; all for the sake of saving a few bucks on their "bottom line". Because of all of these said issues, NAFTA (and other deals like it) should be totally eliminated. I say it's about darn time that we started using our own people and our own resources; let all of our global enemies fend for themselves instead of letting them bleed us dry like deer ticks!
Don't forget about the corporate slimeballs who go around the United States buying up factories and putting hundreds of families out of work, only to ship those factories and jobs overseas to our enemies; all for the sake of saving a few bucks on their "bottom line". Because of all of these said issues, NAFTA (and other deals like it) should be totally eliminated. I say it's about darn time that we started using our own people and our own resources; let all of our global enemies fend for themselves instead of letting them bleed us dry like deer ticks!
Our votes don't count
Thanks to "electoral votes" there are only two political parties, Democrat and Republican, and voters fight over them like fans at sporting events. In fact, thanks to "corporate merging" there are only a handful of insurance companies, and thanks to "globalization" and "cloud storage" there are only so many "information centres"... but if you go to a Starbucks for a coffee there are 50 some-odd choices. This is because we all have the the "illusion of choice", of unimportant choices for things that are customized for "me".
Where presidential elections are concerned, we really don't have a choice of who our next president will be because of "electoral votes". So why do we even bother voting? Because some of us still believe that our votes actually make a difference, and they could make a difference, that is if we stopped voting for the same two dominant parties over and over again; the very same parties that are
solely concerned with themselves and their own success, not ours!
The worst shame of it all is that endless thousands of our servicemen and women have sacrificed their lives throughout the history of this country to give us the freedom and the right to vote; but modern-day politics dictates that our individual votes don't amount to a hill of beans. We've been sitting quiet for too long, letting the powers that be limit our freedom to choose alternate political parties!
Where presidential elections are concerned, we really don't have a choice of who our next president will be because of "electoral votes". So why do we even bother voting? Because some of us still believe that our votes actually make a difference, and they could make a difference, that is if we stopped voting for the same two dominant parties over and over again; the very same parties that are
solely concerned with themselves and their own success, not ours!
The worst shame of it all is that endless thousands of our servicemen and women have sacrificed their lives throughout the history of this country to give us the freedom and the right to vote; but modern-day politics dictates that our individual votes don't amount to a hill of beans. We've been sitting quiet for too long, letting the powers that be limit our freedom to choose alternate political parties!
Fighting for the wrong reasons
Why have we been fighting in the Middle East for so long? Some believe that it's been to protect our sovernty, others believe it's because we're acting like the "world's police"... but isn't it more simply for the total ownership of oil rights? We've been stockpiling nuclear weapons, constantly developing new technological tools of war, what is it all for? How can our continual gearing up for warfare ever lead to peace? The truth is we will never be in peace, and those who hold onto "world peace" are living a fairy tale and fooling themselves. Think about it; how could it ever be possible for humans with different cultures, religions, ethnicities, beliefs and so-called "moral values" to ever "just get along?"
Has anyone noticed that more prisons are being built, and that hundreds of thousands of plastic "coffins" are being manufactured and stockpiled in plain sight around the country, etc? Is this in preparation for military control of our own people? Is our government preparing for the day when some stupid politicians take away our right to bear arms? Any country whose law-abiding citizens cannot bear arms freely is not a "free country!"
Look at Russia, China, the Middle East... it's not hard to see the consequences of taking away such an important right! Politicians create hysteria and tell us that we will be "safer" if we take away everyone's legal right to bear arms... when the truth is that taking away this right will actually allow our enemies to occupy our territory, our very neighborhoods! Meanwhile, our forces are kept busy fighting meaningless wars on foreign soils simply to distract us long enough so authorities can take away the legal right to bear arms from our law-abiding citizens! I have to say that if I was the potential victim of a robbery, hostage or other life-threatening situation I would definitely want to be surrounded by gun-carrying, law-abiding citizens!
Has anyone noticed that more prisons are being built, and that hundreds of thousands of plastic "coffins" are being manufactured and stockpiled in plain sight around the country, etc? Is this in preparation for military control of our own people? Is our government preparing for the day when some stupid politicians take away our right to bear arms? Any country whose law-abiding citizens cannot bear arms freely is not a "free country!"
Look at Russia, China, the Middle East... it's not hard to see the consequences of taking away such an important right! Politicians create hysteria and tell us that we will be "safer" if we take away everyone's legal right to bear arms... when the truth is that taking away this right will actually allow our enemies to occupy our territory, our very neighborhoods! Meanwhile, our forces are kept busy fighting meaningless wars on foreign soils simply to distract us long enough so authorities can take away the legal right to bear arms from our law-abiding citizens! I have to say that if I was the potential victim of a robbery, hostage or other life-threatening situation I would definitely want to be surrounded by gun-carrying, law-abiding citizens!
Distracted by good causes
Many people seem to be self-absorbed with saving endangered species, greenhouse gases, green power, recycling, and saving the planet. The truth is we can't save the planet because we don't even care enough to save or to look out for each other! In fact, so many people are so worried about their "causes" that they easily walk right by unemployed homeless people who are struggling to survive right outside their front doors, yet they make such a huge effort to save a tree in a forest 10,000 miles away!
We're so arrogant that we've lost all humanity for each other; have you ever volunteered for any causes to help your struggling neighbors? We need to take care of our own! And think about this; the planet has endured global flooding, ice ages, volcanoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, tidal waves, massive asteroids from space... far more damage than our man-made atomic bombs in Hiroshima or exploded nuclear plants in Chernobyl could ever do, yet the planet easily healed from those catastrophes all on its own!
If you think about things from a more practical, scientific aspect... we as humans can't actually "create" matter from nothing, we merely "morph" matter from one form or state into another, like burning fossil fuels for example. We have never "created something out of nothing" in our entire existence. We have to be pretty narcissistic to truly believe that we actually have the power to destroy this planet when in fact only its Creator, almighty God, is the one who has the power to do so!
We're so arrogant that we've lost all humanity for each other; have you ever volunteered for any causes to help your struggling neighbors? We need to take care of our own! And think about this; the planet has endured global flooding, ice ages, volcanoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, tidal waves, massive asteroids from space... far more damage than our man-made atomic bombs in Hiroshima or exploded nuclear plants in Chernobyl could ever do, yet the planet easily healed from those catastrophes all on its own!
If you think about things from a more practical, scientific aspect... we as humans can't actually "create" matter from nothing, we merely "morph" matter from one form or state into another, like burning fossil fuels for example. We have never "created something out of nothing" in our entire existence. We have to be pretty narcissistic to truly believe that we actually have the power to destroy this planet when in fact only its Creator, almighty God, is the one who has the power to do so!
Political blindness
We, the people of the United States, are politically blind... and apparently we've been blind for generations. Despite the fact that atheists have been working very hard to eliminate all traces of God and the Bible from our government; many of us Americans still know and remember that our founding fathers started this country on Biblical principles. But today we can't even have the Ten Commandments posted on government property (or in our courthouses) anymore... you can't post “Thou shalt not steal,” “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” and “Thou shalt not lie” on any building full of lawyers, judges, and politicians... doing so would be blasphemy!
Our elected officials are constantly trying to change the Constitution because they feel that it's better and easier for them to change the laws to suit themselves versus running their terms in office and abiding by these laws with honesty and integrity! Printing "In God We Trust" on our money is also blasphemy; our currency should say "In Politics We Trust Too Much". In fact, if honesty was suddenly introduced into American politics, the whole system would probably collapse!
Our elected officials are constantly trying to change the Constitution because they feel that it's better and easier for them to change the laws to suit themselves versus running their terms in office and abiding by these laws with honesty and integrity! Printing "In God We Trust" on our money is also blasphemy; our currency should say "In Politics We Trust Too Much". In fact, if honesty was suddenly introduced into American politics, the whole system would probably collapse!
Who is really to blame for all of this?
We are, as American citizens. For a countless number of years we have been forsaking all of the rights bestowed upon us by our Constitution, our Bill Of Rights, etc. By and large, politics is a tool for concealing the truth, and we've allowed an endless number of corrupt, elected officials to slowly dissolve our rights away generation after generation.
Think about it; where do politicians come from? They come from us, from our schools, our neighborhoods, our states... in fact, there is a politician in every single one of us, good or bad. So maybe, just maybe there aren't any bright, honest, intelligent Americans who are ready to step in and replace the corrupt politicians because we actually don't have any people amongst us with these qualifications.
We all spend plenty of time complaining about "the politicians", but as a whole we don't make a realistic effort to clean up ourselves, our corrupted schools or our neighborhoods. We're all too busy Twittering, Skyping, texting and driving and posting selfies on Facebook... over-indulging ourselves on excess, food, and blowing money on self-entertainment... instead of taking a stand for our rights and actually making a difference in our own country!
Think about it; where do politicians come from? They come from us, from our schools, our neighborhoods, our states... in fact, there is a politician in every single one of us, good or bad. So maybe, just maybe there aren't any bright, honest, intelligent Americans who are ready to step in and replace the corrupt politicians because we actually don't have any people amongst us with these qualifications.
We all spend plenty of time complaining about "the politicians", but as a whole we don't make a realistic effort to clean up ourselves, our corrupted schools or our neighborhoods. We're all too busy Twittering, Skyping, texting and driving and posting selfies on Facebook... over-indulging ourselves on excess, food, and blowing money on self-entertainment... instead of taking a stand for our rights and actually making a difference in our own country!
What do you think?
Is there still such a thing as the American Dream?
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